The quality management system of the company is ISO-9001/2008 certified and the company ensures the highest quality of welding services according to the SIST EN 3834/2 standard.
- Successful certification according to the ISO 9001/2000 quality standard in 2003 by SIQ. In 2009 certification according to the new standard definition ISO 9001/2008.
- The acquired and in the course of time extended Herstellerqualifikation zum Schweißen von Stahlbau nach DIN 18800-7:2002-09 Klasse E – S235 – S960 QL (EN10137-2) welding certificate awarded by SLV Munich; in 2009 extended according to the SIST EN ISO 3834-2: 2006 standard: Quality Requirements for fusion welding of metallic materials; part 2: Extended quality requirements (welding processes 111 and 135 (ISO 4063); material fields: 1, 3.1 (ISO/TR 15608).
- Certified welders (according to EN ISO 9606-1).
- Certified welding procedures (according to EN 288-1) (for various materials and welding positions).
- Certified personnel for NDT testing according to EN 473:
- UT, level 2
- Industrial sector: A,B
- Product sector: w, c, f, t, wp
- VT, level 2
- Industrial sector: A,B
- Product sector: w, c, f, t, wp
- UT, level 2
- Certified personnel in the field of welding supervision and coordination:
- European Welding Engineer (certificate obtained in 1999)
- International Welding Engineer (certificate obtained in 2008)
- Certified International Welding Engineer (certificate obtained in 2011):
- Products: Steel Constructions, Machinery
- Material: ISO/TR 15608 groups: 1, 2, 3, 9, 11
- Processes: ISO 4063, No.: 111, 135, 136
- SIST EN 1090-1:2009+A1:2012: Execution of steel structures and aluminium structures - Part 1: Requirements for conformity assessment of structural components